Appreciate and taste the wine

Wine (Red Wine) is a generic term for wine, not necessarily specific to red wine. There are many wine classifications. To finished color can be divided into red wine, white wine and pink wine categories. Which can be subdivided into red wine dry red wine, semi-dry red wine, semi-sweet red wine and sweet red wine, white wine is subdivided into dry white wine, dry white wine, semi-sweet white wine and sweet white wines.


1, Quality guarantee period

Not every wine is better with aging. The year on Wine refers to the year when the grapes are brewed. Most (99%) do not have the wine aging ability, best drinking period varies depending on the wine, generally between 2 - 10 years. Only a small part of a particularly good vintage wine has this ability. Some of France and Italy's top wine aging ability is for ten years or even centuries. Many of the top wineries in Bordeaux wines even save more than one century can still be suitable for drinking. Wine need tannin for aging, and Cabernet Sauvignon (grape varieties) due to geographical factors and its characteristics, is one of many grape varieties most suitable for vintage.


2,Storage Precautions

Requires a suitable temperature, the theoretical temperature around 12 ℃, about 7-18 ℃ can be. Requires dark because ultraviolet light causes premature wine, to avoid vibration, horizontally, keeping the cork moist to prevent air entering the oxidation in wine. Avoid too wet, to prevent the growth of bacteria. Storage Location suggestions: cool air, the cellars.


How to save opened wine: The wine should be stopper back with cork, put the bottle in the fridge, upright position. Typically, white wine in the refrigerator after opening can be saved for one week.
Red wine after the open can be usually stored in the refrigerator about 2-3 weeks.


3,Red wine and red dry wine

The so-called dry wine (dry white, red) refers only to the amount of sugar in wine, and no other meaning. In accordance with the provisions of the standard, the sugar content of dry wine at 4.0g / L or less. Since this type of low sugar content of the wine, not sweet, so more demonstration of grape fruit, fermentation and aging leave mellow wine. Traditional wines are sweet wines, sugar content in 50.0g / L or more. Dry red wine "dry" is borrowed from the champagne brewing a word that does not add any water, spices, alcohol and other additives, the direct use of pure grape juice brewing wine. Red grape juice, grape skin does not filter core, causing drink grape juice and then filtered, and the brewing process, grape skin color dissolved into wine, a dry red wine. Dry red wine, there are two, one is simply filtration; another way to continue squeezing residue. Squeezed dry red wine with more tannin, taste more thick.


In other words, it is a red drink unsweetened. In China, some people like to drink dry red wine, when mixed drink Sprite, which shows drinkers actually do not fit to drink red wine, but the legitimate red wine.


4,Wine tasting

Wine tasting is not a guess, not also comparing wines. But the use of sensory tasting and non-sensory techniques to analyze and determine the initial conditions of wine, objective and independent thinking skills, accurate and not is determined by tasting the key. Priority: If you enjoy a variety of wines at the same time, should taste from lighter to heavy, because like this the first one will not destroy  the taste of second, therefore, the general rule is usually taste dry white wine before the red wine, sweet wine after the dry wine, newer  before the older.


Tasting steps: 1. Sight (visual): shake the glass, observe the wine slowly shed feet (legs or tears); cup inclined at 45 and then observes the color of wine and surface edges (in the ideal state of natural daylight), this step may determine the maturity of the wine. In general, the white wine is colorless in its youth, but as the aging time increases, the color will gradually from yellow and greenish reflection; into the mature straw color, golden yellow, and finally become Bronze. When become bronze color, then that is not suitable for drinking anymore, it’s getting too old. Red wine is the opposite its color gradually fades over time, when young it's dark red with purple, and then will gradually become positive red or cherry red, then turn orange or brick red reds and finally reddish brown. 2. Smell (olfaction): After shaking the wine, then take nose deep into the cup and take a deep breath at least for 2 seconds, repeat this action can distinguish a variety of odors, as three-pronged approach to analyze the wine aroma: intensity (Intensity): weak, moderate, clear, strong, exceptionally strong. Texture (Quality): simple, complex or pleasure, resentment. Characteristics (Character): fruity, Grievance, plants taste, mineral flavor, spices.


 In the life cycle of the wine, the presentation of the different periods are different , the initial is the wine itself flavor; second phase produced flavor from the brewing process , such as: wood flavor, smoked flavor, etc.; third is after maturity generated aromas. Overall, its flavor and grape varieties, brewing method, wine age and even soil have a connection. 3. Taste (Taste): enjoy a drink one and a half gargle way to keep the wine in the mouth sufficiently mixed with air and exposed to all parts of the mouth; at this time can be summarized, analyzed the tannins, sweetness, acidity, mellow degree and maturity.


Red wine has been hailed as a viable liquid, which is among the Red wine contains  tannic acid composition, tannic acid after contact with air arising changes is very rich. But to distinguish between a bottle of wine's change the best way is to after opening toper he first two cups, while drinking a cup first, another cup is placed to the last to drink, it will make you feel clearly.
The way the wine is poured into the Decanter is known as the wine Decanting, But finally what is the purpose of Decanting? In fact there are two purposes, one is to remove precipitate of old wine settled for years. Although it's all right if drink these sediments, but detrimental to the flavor of wine, it must be removed. Another year is to make smaller age wines to its original flavor, revive from slumber. Because the wine due to the action of Decanting have the opportunity contact with air, then sleeping wine will immediately fragrant, taste becomes mellow.


『Wine Label』
How to choose a bottle of delicious wine, the first element is the taste must be smooth, what kind of taste is called smooth, personal preference, wine tasting is a advanced knowledge, learn wine tasting require long studies and a layers of temper, but learn to recognize the wine is a relatively simple matter. Generally on the label is marked: Grape harvest year, the wine name (with Place of Origin or winery name), producing country or producer, manor place name, producers (who brewed) name, capacity, alcohol concentration ... and so on. Labels are variety of styles, according to its designer's design, the data writing position is different.